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If you’ve been in an accident with your 18 wheeler, Munley Law can help you get back on track

Collisions involving 18 wheeler trucks injure more than 90,000 people each year, with one person killed or injured in a truck accident every 16 minutes. Fatal large truck accidents have been on the rise over the past 10 years, while the trucking industry continues to call for looser safety regulations. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in an 18 wheeler accident, call Munley Law today for a free case review with one of the nation’s leading truck accident attorneys.


Our law firm is dedicated to helping victims of all types of truck accidents, including 18 wheeler commercial vehicles. We’ve been fighting trucking companies and winning lawsuits for victims of truck accident cases, just like you, for years. We have the experience and resources to work with these companies, and we want to work for you. Consultations are free and we do not get paid unless we win your case.

What should I do after an 18 wheeler truck accident?

First and foremost is to hire an experienced 18 wheeler accident attorney as soon as possible after the accident. Fighting big trucking companies is something you need the experience to do. These companies have extensive resources, including teams of attorneys and experts, who are well-prepared to respond to any litigation. Having a truck injury attorney by your side can provide peace of mind and help you recover.

An experienced truck accident attorney will obtain the evidence needed to prove your truck accident claim, negotiate on your behalf with insurance companies, represent your interests in court, and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

However, after an 18 wheeler truck accident, you can follow these steps to help protect your future truck accident claims:

At the scene of an accident, stay calm and stay in the vehicle unless you need to get out for safety reasons. Call 911 and do not leave the scene.

Record all names, addresses, and phone numbers of all parties involved, especially any witnesses. You will also want to take down the names and badge numbers of any police officers who investigate the accident.

Take photos and video of the scene, including vehicles and injuries. Make sure you get the truck driver’s employer information.

Seek medical attention, even if you don’t think you were injured in the accident. Many times, injuries do not appear until hours or days after the accident.

Notify your insurance company immediately after the accident so the claims process can begin. When talking to your insurance company, stick to the facts and don’t get it wrong.

Do not discuss the accident with anyone other than the police or your insurance agent; you do not need to provide the statement to anyone but the police and your insurance company.


What should I do in the days following an 18 wheeler semi-truck accident?

Here’s what truck accident victims need to do after an 18 wheeler crash:

You have to Get a copy of the accident report from the police. Do the same with your insurance company’s property loss valuation. This will help your truck accident attorney better understand the value of your claim.

Keep records of all visits with doctors and healthcare providers. Write down any symptoms, diagnoses, or pain. Get copies of all test results, medications, treatments, and any other medical care.

List all out-of-pocket expenses you incurred as a result of your injury or semi-truck accident.

Document work or other activities you were unable to participate in due to the injury.

Do not talk to the other party’s insurance company without first talking to your 18 wheeler accident attorney. Remember, you don’t need to talk to anyone about the accident except your lawyer, the police, and your insurance company.

Whatever you do, don’t accept any settlement offer without first speaking with one of our experienced truck accident attorneys.


How Much Can I Receive on My Semi Truck Accident Claim?

Scranton Personal Injury Lawyers Eighteen-wheeler accidents often result in serious injuries that take a long time to recover from. Some of the financial losses that truck accident injury victims may face include substantial medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, and possible funeral costs.


For successful injury claims, you may be awarded compensation for economic and non-economic damages. Economic loss is any financial loss you incur after the accident. This includes, but is not limited to, medical expenses, lost wages and income, funeral expenses, and property damage.


Non-economic loss is intended to compensate you for any non-economic loss suffered by you. These are more subjective and include aches and pains, emotional distress, mental distress, and loss of pleasure or synergy.


Unfortunately, insurance rarely covers all of these costs, which is why your best step is to speak with an 18 wheeler accident attorney to find out what your best legal options are.


Why Do I Need to Hire a Top Truck Accident Lawyer?

If you or someone you love has been involved in a collision with an 18 wheeler truck, you probably know you did nothing wrong, believe the injuries and losses from the accident were obvious, and wonder why you need an attorney to represent you.

You must know, a truck accident is not the same as a car accident. Many times, 18 wheeler accidents can result in serious injuries that can take months or years to recover from. While a car accident involves just you and the other driver, trucking accidents can involve multiple parties.

Here are some other reasons why a truck injury attorney can be beneficial for your trucking accident claim.

Freight companies often deny responsibility

With thousands of trucking accidents occurring each year, trucking companies are well-versed in the best strategies to deflect responsibility and avoid the costs associated with crashes caused by 18 wheeler truck drivers. Most trucking companies will have a representative arrive at the scene of the accident within hours or minutes and they will begin gathering evidence to reduce any claims you may have against them.


Our truck accident attorneys have decades of experience and are considered the go-to law firm for truck accidents nationwide. Our attorneys have achieved numerous settlements and judgments against 18 wheeler trucking companies, and when you hire one of our trucking attorneys, trucking companies know they are dealing with the best and most experienced Truck Crash Co.


18 wheeler Truck Collision Cases Are Complicated

Because 18 wheelers, auto collisions, and medical injuries are inherently complex, so are truck accident lawsuits. The cases touch upon complex concepts in the fields of physics, chemistry, federal trucking regulations, biology, medicine, driving standards, and economics. When claims based on 18 wheeler crashes go to trial, accident victims will have to prove their case to a jury by using all of these complex scientific and industry-specific ideas and principles to explain what happened.

Our truck accident team at Munley Law has spent more than 60 years learning the ins and outs of the trucking industry, the science behind truck crashes, and the best negotiation and trial strategies to win big for our clients. We’ve built a team that understands how to use field experts, graphics, witnesses, and technology to explain why victims like you deserve compensation.

It takes a lot of resources to get the award you deserve

Trucking companies and insurance companies have vast amounts of money and manpower at their disposal, which they use to force accident victims to walk away or accept far less than they deserve. To compete for this award, as a victim of an 18 wheeler accident, you need to match the vast resources of the trucking company and the insurance company so that you can hire expert advice and testify in court, etc. You can use the most cutting-edge technology to prove your credentials to the jury case.

Why choose Munley Law?

Personal Injury Lawyers in Scranton, PA Many law firms claim to handle truck accident cases, but few can claim to have the level of experience and expertise required to successfully represent truck accident victims. Accidents involving commercial trucks and large 18 wheelers should only be handled by attorneys with a track record of successful dealings with major transportation companies and an in-depth understanding of trucking industry regulations, technology, insurance, and practices.


This expertise and impressive track record have made Munley Law one of the top 18 wheeler collision accident law firms in the United States. Our attorneys have earned national recognition as the legal profession’s leading truck accident attorneys. We are the only law firm in the United States with two attorneys serving as President of the American Trucking Litigation Justice Association. Marion Munley and Daniel Munley are among a handful of attorneys to be board certified in Truck Accident Law by the State Board of Judiciary. Our tractor-trailer and 18-wheel accident lawyers achieve record-breaking results because our clients deserve it.


When you are involved in an accident with an 18 wheeler, the stakes are high. You could face huge medical bills, physical pain, and an uncertain future. You’ve never dealt with a major lawsuit before, but trucking companies have – and they have teams dedicated to minimizing your claim or denying it outright. We will not let this happen. Let’s start here.

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